ICS World Private Investigator Private Investigator Services Since 1967
1 (800) 828-9198 - Toll Free 24hrs
001 480-990-8888 - International
Confidential & Recommended Private Investigator Services Since 1967

Private Investigator
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Available 24 hours with Rapid Response

Investigations We Solve

We have conducted successful private investigations for our clients since 1967. The following pages feature some of the many case types covered by ICS.

Since 1967, International Counterintelligence Services, Inc. has been providing private investigation services. Many agencies and clients still identify with the Domestic, Civil, and Criminal approach to investigations. However, the true test is jurisdiction and competency. All investigations are handled by licensed professionals and managed by the men and women that show the greatest dedication to our clients.

No case is too big or too small for our private investigators. ICS will utilize the exact resources necessary for your case. As you begin the free consultation process you will find it to be straight forward and comprehensive. It is ultimately you that decides what you need and how we can best serve you.

Following your instructions to the letter allows ICS to be able to retool and refit nearly daily with a variable case load and our retinue is complete with a unique staffing solution comprising of experts, agents, freelancers, and sub-contractors.

Decide how to respond, and act decisively with ICS.

Start a Free Consultation using our online system 24 hours a day.

Abandoned Property Investigation

Many times our clients are faced with the diligence efforts to find claimants that have property...

Accident Reconstruction

Accident Reconstruction: Being in an accident is bad enough, and for most people it ends with...

Activity Checks

When Google just doesn’t give you what you are looking for, or it isn’t necessary to have an in...

Adopted Child Locate Investigation

Adopted Child Locate Investigation: Birth parents searching for their adopted children can be...

Adultery or Infidelity Investigations (Marital)

Adultery or Infidelity Investigations (Marital): Suspecting your mate of having an affair can be...

Infidelity Surveillance

When is the right time for infidelity surveillance? The time is right when your suspicions are...

Arson or Fire Loss Investigation

Arson and Fire Loss Investigation: Although local fire investigators are well trained and...

Background Checks (Online Dating)

Background Checks for Online Dating: Before taking the next step of meeting in person, consider...

Background Investigation

Background Investigation: As a part of our more than 40 years of experience, you be confident...

Background Investigation (Pre-Marital or Pre-nuptial)

Background Investigation (Premarital or Prenuptial): You might be feeling suspicious about your...

Bankruptcy Due Diligence

ICS can perform Bankruptcy Due Diligence Investigations for our Attorney clients that need a...

Birth Parent Locate Investigation

Birth Parent Locate Investigation: Making the choice to search out your birth parents can be a...

Blacklisting and Blackballing Investigations

Blacklisting and Blackballing Investigations: Blackballing, or blacklisting, is the practice of a...

Parental Child Abduction Investigation

Parental child abduction is where a parent of family member removes a child from the domicile...

Catfish or Catfishing Investigation

Catfishing is a term used to describe deceptive behavior by an individual who utilizes social...

Cheating Decoy Investigations

Cheating Decoy Investigations: The trust and fabric of a relationship is destroyed by infidelity,...

Unfaithful or Cheating Partner (Non-Marital)

Unfaithful or Cheating Partner: Is your partner acting suspiciously, keeping inexplicable hours,...

Cheating Spouse Investigation

If you’re living your life in worry and doubt, fearful that your spouse might be cheating, you...

Child Abuse or Molestation

Child Abuse or Child Molestation Investigation: Give children the protection they deserve. Out of...

Child Custody and Visitation Investigations

Child Custody and Visitation Investigation: Child custody and visitation investigations are...

Child Support Enforcement and Collection

Child Support Enforcement and Collection: Has your child been deprived of monetary support by a...

Child Support Modification

Child Support Modification: ICS will help you get what you deserve.

Cohabitation Investigation

When proof of cohabitation is needed our method of approach can identify: periods of time that...

Cold Case Investigations

Cold Case Investigations: Has justice been done in your case? Are you, or is someone you know, a...

Competitive Business Intelligence

Competitive Business Intelligence: When investigating competitors, competitive intelligence...

Computer Forensics Investigation

Computer Forensics Investigation: You need a leader in high technology crime solutions that's...

Corporate Slander Investigation

A company’s reputation is what brings in clientele, keeps long term customers on board, and sells...

Counterfeiting Crime

Counterfeiting Crime: The personnel at ICS are highly experienced in assisting our clients to...

Criminal Background Checks and Search

Criminal Background Checks and Search: Over the course of a lifetime, who knows how many...

Criminal Defense Investigations

Criminal defense investigations undertake the difficult process of finding the necessary evidence...

Criminal Investigation (All Types)

Criminal Investigations: Crime is unfortunate part of life, every year crime rates are ebbing and...

Cyber Infidelity Investigation

Cyber Infidelity has many definitions but what it really comes down to is communicating with...

Cyber Sabotage Investigations

Cyber sabotage investigations can be conducted for a wide range of actions, from a harmful and...

Dependency Investigations

If you suspect someone of using drugs and want to find out for sure, contact ICS immediately....

Digital Forensics

ICS provides highly technical Internet crime investigations and Digital usage analysis. Many...

Discrimination Claims Investigations

Discrimination Claims Investigations: Discrimination is an intentional or unintentional act,...

Divorce Investigation

Divorce Investigation: When you're faced with divorce leave nothing to chance-- they are...

Document Examination and Assessment

Document Examination and Assessment is not something to be done by amateurs. It's a highly...

Domestic Investigations (All Types)

Domestic Investigations: Are you concerned about your personal security or safety? Are you...

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a very serious matter, and many people will go to great lengths to hide the...

Drowning and Boating Accident Investigations

Whether or not the local police have performed an investigation into this matter, the ICS team is...

Drug Testing

Drug Testing: We have access to all intrusive and non-intrusive drug testing methods,...

Due Diligence Investigation (General)

Due Diligence Investigation: Thinking about embarking on a new business venture or perhaps...

Elder Abuse Investigations

Elder Abuse Investigations: If you suspect someone is being abused, contact us immediately. Our...

Email Tracking and SMS Tracing

Email Tracking and SMS Tracing: In this age of electronic communication hiding one’s true...

Electronic Discovery Services

Electronic Discovery Services: With our electronic discovery and computer forensics specialists,...

Embezzlement Investigation

Embezzlement Investigation: Embezzlement is the fraudulent appropriation by a person to his or...

Employee Theft Investigation

Employee Theft: Is employee theft costing your business money? How much of your hard earned...

Employee Malingering Investigation

If you suspect your employees of taking time off or misusing workers compensation, call ICS today...

Employment Misconduct Investigation

If you are experiencing employee misconduct, call ICS today to have our experts properly aid you...

Espionage Investigations

Industrial and corporate espionage usually involves stealing “trade secrets” from a company,...

Expert Witness Testimony

Expert Witness Testimony: In many court cases, testimony by an expert witness is what makes or...

Extortion or Exaction Investigations

If you are the victim of extortion, blackmail, or exaction, please call ICS or fill out a free...

Financial Fraud Investigations

Financial Fraud Investigations: Protect yourself by calling ICS in to handle your financial fraud...

Hidden Assets Investigation

Hidden Assets Investigation: Assets can include property, vehicles, boats, aircraft, businesses,...

Recover Lost Assets Investigation

The effort of recovering lost assets is when a private investigator is hired to collect the facts...

Hidden Assets Search (Lost or Forgotten)

Lost or Forgotten Asset Finding: Are you missing monies that you're sure you had? ICS can...

Homicide and Murder Investigation

Please call ICS as soon as possible to perform a Homicide or Murder Investigation. Time is of...

Identity Theft

Identity Theft: Identity theft can rob you of your resources, smear your reputation, and leave...

Inheritance Investigation

Inheritance Investigations can provide information to you regarding unclaimed inheritance assets...

Insurance Fraud Investigations (Active Case)

Insurance Fraud Investigation: Our Insurance Fraud Investigations Unit is a virtual network of...

AOE or COE Insurance Investigation

Employees in America suffer workplace injuries everyday, but often, employees try to con...

Intellectual Property and Copyright Infringement

Intellectual Property and Copyright Infringement: Intellectual property theft includes alleged...

International Marriage Investigation

International Marriages are becoming increasingly more common, especially through the use of the...

Kidnapping and Ransom Situation

When dealing with a kidnapping and ransom situation, you need a private investigator on your side...

Labor Dispute Monitoring

Labor Dispute Monitoring: Make sure everything goes smoothly.

Land Ownership and Title Investigation

Land Ownership and Title Investigation: A land ownership and title investigation can be very...

Litigation & Legal Support (Active Case)

Litigation and Legal Support: Put our skills to work for you and gain the needed edge with you...

Locate Lost People

ICS can help you find people with whom you have lost contact, whether it is an old friend from...

Missing Persons

Missing Persons: We put together teams of specialists to be led by experts specifically for these...

Missing Pet Investigations

If your prized pet has gone missing, run off or was stolen, a missing pet investigation may be...

Stolen or Lost Pet Investigations

If your rare, exotic, purebred, or prized animal has been stolen or has gotten lost, then you may...

Loss and Theft Investigations

Loss and Theft Investigations: Whatever it is that you have lost, call ICS today for an in depth,...

Medical and Dental Malpractice

Medical and Dental Malpractice Investigations: Have you, or someone you love been misdiagnosed,...

Professional Malpractice Investigations

Professional Malpractice Investigations: Professions outside the medical profession which are...

Malpractice Investigation

Malpractice is a wrongful act that someone had no right to do; improper professional conduct....

Maritime or Boating Investigations

Maritime or Boating Investigations: Investigation of a water related accident claim can be...

Mergers and Acquisitions Investigation

Mergers and Acquisitions Investigation: May the buyer beware.

Mobile Phone and PDA Seizures

Mobile Phone and PDA Seizures: Digital Age technology employed for your investigation.

Cellular Forensics

Cellular Forensics to see what data may in fact exist in a cell phone memory.

Money Laundering Investigations

Money Laundering Investigations: Money laundering is the criminal practice of filtering funds...

Mystery and Secret Shopper

Mystery and Secret Shopper Services: ICS is discreet, thorough, and effective.

Online Defamation Investigation

With the Internet, smart phones, globalization of the economy and workplace, your reputation is...

Online Auction Fraud

Online Auction Fraud: E-BAY Fraud or UBid may be the most popular online auction sites, but fraud...

Online Social Networking Investigation

Social networking websites can be an investigators goldmine. We can usually gain full access to...

Online Gaming and MMO Investigations

Online games such as MMOs can be an investigators goldmine. We can usually gain full access to...

Internet Cyber Bullying

Many people think that there is nothing that can be done to locate and stop a cyber bully, but...

Origin and Cause Investigation

Origin and Cause Investigation: The professional staff at ICS provide a variety of services to...

Organized Crime Control or RICO

Organized Crime Control or RICO: Our investigators are trained to be the best of the best at...

Paternity Investigations and Testing

Paternity Investigations and Testing: Establishing paternity can be very difficult; our clients...

Personal Protection

Personal Protection: If you watch a lot of television or see a lot of movies, you are aware of...

Personal Injury

Whether you have a need for investigation on a worker's compensation case, automobile accident or...

Pre-Employment Screening

Pre-Employment Screening: The key to a qualified, productive workforce is professional employee...

Probate Investigation

Probate Investigation: Ensuring fair division.

Process Service (Worldwide)

Process Services - Either primary or secondary from inception to filing ICS is there to serve. We...

Public Interest Investigations

Public Interest Investigations: ICS stands for integrity.

Polygraph and Lie Detection (General)

Polygraph and Lie Detection Testing: You can have a certified polygraph testing professional help...

Real Estate Fraud Investigations

Real Estate Fraud Investigations: Safeguard your property with ICS.

Runaway and Missing Children

Runaway and Missing Children Investigation to locate: The first 48 hours are often the most...

Sabotage Investigations

Invariably, if you are a company, you will be faced with one type of sabotage or another. Not all...

Security Consulting (CPP & PPS Certified)

Security Consulting: For Human Resources, Facilities, Equipment, Materials, Operations and much...

FMLA Abuse Investigation

Don't let employees abuse the Family and Medical Leave Act. Before acting, conduct a thorough...

Sextortion Investigation and Mitigation

Sextortion is an accepted term to describe the threat or use of of extortion to prevent the...

Sexual Harassment Claims

Sexual Harassment Claims: Sexual harassment can make your life miserable, whether you are the one...

Sick Day Fraud

Sick Day Fraud is common in many workplaces, especially for companies that have a large number of...

Slander and Defamation of Character Investigations

Slander and Defamation of Character Investigations: Defend your integrity with ICS.

Spousal Maintenance or Alimony Modification

Spousal Maintenance: Adding insult to injury, many spouses refuse to pay the amount of alimony or...

Substance Abuse Investigation

A substance abuse investigation is a serious matter. That's why it's important to find an...

Sting Operations

Sting Operations: When you believe you need a sting operation, you must act prudently because...

Social Media Investigation

Social Media Networks can provide a wealth of information for a private investigator. We can...

Stalking and Harassment Investigations

Stalking and Harassment Investigations: Let ICS give you security and peace of mind! People...

Strike and Labor Unrest

Strike and Labor Unrest: Recent downsizing in today's business environment has increased the...

Surface or Forensic Drug Detection

Surface or Forensic Drug Detection: We are a highly trained drug testing company providing drug...

Stolen Property Investigations

ICS private investigators are experienced in investigating and dealing with stolen property,...

Covert Surveillance (Tailing)

Covert surveillance is the monitoring of behavior without the target being made aware that they...

Surveillance (Beacon or GPS tracking)

Surveillance (GPS Tracking): How do you know if someone isn’t where they said they’d be? What if...

Sub-Rosa Surveillance

Sub Rosa surveillance investigations take place in secrecy, operating under the radar of the...

Tenant Screening

Tenant Screening: This is a important service in determining fitness of a prospective tenant....

Undercover and Covert Investigations

Undercover investigations are often complex and difficult. Is your business a victim of employee...

Unfair Competition Investigations

Unfair competition takes place when one company benefits wrongfully off the work done by another...

Unlawful Conduct Investigations

An unlawful conduct investigation is a broad scope investigation that is designed to determine if...

Unsolved Crime Investigations

Unsolved Crime Investigation: Have the police detectives let you down by not solving a crime...

Vendor Screening Investigations

Vendor Screening Investigations: Vendor Screening provides you with virtually all the information...

Veterinary Malpractice Investigations

If your companion animal has recently suffered injury or death, and you feel that it may have...

Water Related Death Investigation

A water related death is tragic under any circumstances, especially if there is reason to believe...

White Collar Crime

White Collar Crime: When conducting a white collar crime investigation, you need investigators...

Wire and Electronic Communications Crime

Wire and Electronic Communications Crime: We can help inspect your systems and operations to...

Witness Locates and Interviewing

Witness Locating for Interviews and Statements: Find who you're looking for, and get the answers...

Workers' Compensation Fraud (AOE/COE)

Workers Compensation Fraud: We prove legitimacy of workers compensation claims! We do not just...

Workplace Conditions Investigations

If you are being mistreated at work, a private investigation by ICS can bring unfavorable...

Workplace (ADA, EEOC, or FMLA Sensitive)

Workplace Investigations: For nearly forty years, our clients have recognized how our workplace...

Workplace Violence Investigation

Workplace Violence Investigation: Our clients have recognized how our workplace violence...

Workplace Investigation Interview

Workplace Investigation Interview: Hire ICS today to help you in conducting any and all of your...

Wrongful Death Investigations

Wrongful Death Investigations: Has someone you love recently passed away before their time? Do...

Wrongful Conviction Investigation

How does one right the wrongs of society, and how do they do so across boarders and cultural...

Wrongful Imprisonment Investigation

Wrongful Imprisonment: When you or someone you love is a victim of wrongful imprisonment, often...

Other Private Investigator Case

You name it, we can investigate it!

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