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A Brief Word About Investigating Adultery

Date : 02/01/2008

How about the suspicion of adultery without the proof? You may have heard the whispered rumors among friends and family; theories, suspicions, and conspiracy stories that leave you restless for more information. Your mind begins to wonder about your spouse’s activities, recalling things that might be clues but then again might be nothing more than all those rumors and suspicions playing upon your imagination. Many restless nights are spent lying beside a person that you’re not sure you can trust any more.

You probably don’t want to confront your spouse as you fear how they may react to such an emotionally charged accusation about adultery. Pretty soon the relationship might begin to fall apart as one partner “cannot trust” and the other feels that they are “not trusted”. A happy marriage can only exist in trust.

So, how do you lay aside or confirm your fears without risking the problems that directly confronting your spouse without solid evidence can cause? Well forget the tell-tale signs and the rumors. Get PROOF! In times where a spouse is actually engaged in adultery, proof can give you the courage and confidence you need to move on without looking back on the “what if I was wrong?” mentality that can often plague the ending of a relationship. Most importantly getting proof that your spouse is not engaged in an adulterous relationship can help you have the peace of mind that will begin the healing process that is needed because of the wounds and scars that a lack of trust has been slowing carving through your emotions.

How can you obtain irrefutable proof? We have many options to help you obtain this information and would be glad to give you a free consultation with a private investigator to discuss ways in which we can help you confirm or alleviate your fears.

Infidelity and Adultery Laws and Court Decisions

Important information before you begin your adultery investigation:

If you believe that your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or partner is cheating, having an affair, or otherwise engaged, then you must give us all of the relevant information regarding the case. If we do not have a complete story with which to work, then we will not be able to perform our duties as well as we could.  We pride ourselves in our ability to get the results that are clients are after; but this does not include creating evidence supporting infidelity and cheating that does not exist. We cannot find out about cheating or extramarital affairs if there is none that is taking place, despite your feelings to the contrary.

Accordingly, we cannot "guarantee" that your spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend is guilty.
We do, however guarantee excellent service and real results

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