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Confidential & Recommended Private Investigator Services Since 1967

Discover more about private investigators capability, employment and regulations in Germany.

Discover more about private investigators capability, employment and regulations in Germany.

If you need a private investigator in Germany to assist you with a discreet, confidential private investigation please fill out a Private Investigator Free Consultation. Our private investigators are committed to providing affordable, reliable service in Germany and report their results in a timely, accountable manner. Contact us today to begin your case.

Local Germany Private Investigator

ICS provides a full range of investigations services for the City of Germany and all surrounding metropolitan areas. Submit a free online private investigation consultation form, or call our toll free number to speak to a private investigator at (800) 828-9198.

You can rest assured that any Germany Private Investigator assigned to your case with ICS are fully licensed and insured in accordance with Germany laws and participates in any required continuing education.

Germany Private Investigator

The Federal Republic of Germany is made up of 16 states, with its capital seat in the city of Berlin. The population of approximately 82 million people makes it the most populous country in the European Union. Germany is, and historically has been for quite some time, one of the political and economic powers of the world, boasting the world’s fourth largest economy by gross domestic product (“GDP”). With such a powerful economy, Germany is able to maintain a highly skilled labor force and surprisingly does not struggle with much political or economical corruption within its borders. Crime is often not as prevalent in wealthier regions, but with such a massive population, there are a still a large number of reported offenses. In 2010, 5.93 criminal acts were reported, which is the first time that number has been below 6 million since the reunification of East and West Germany in 1991, and is the lowest since the country started keeping records. The rate of crimes solved was a record high 56 percent as well. The majority of the fewer than 6 million offenses reported are non-violent theft, both with and without aggravating circumstances. Fraud and computer crimes are also on the rise. With the local law enforcement working at full capacity and clearing just over 50% of the cases brought to them, it is evident that private investigators may be necessary to get to the bottom of many cases. If you are a resident of Germany, a visitor or tourist who has been victimized in some way, or if you have an investigation that is likely to lead you to Germany’s borders, then it is imperative that you hire an investigator with local contacts and resources. At ICS, our global network is limitless, and we have people in nearly every corner of the world that we can use for your case.

Germany Private Investigator Restrictions

In order to conduct private investigations in Germany, all private investigators must comply with local and federal laws.

  • Impersonate Law Enforcement - Private Investigators in Germany cannot carry a badge, wear a uniform or say anything that might imply that the private investigator is a police officer or federal agent.
  • Make an Arrest - Private Investigators in Germany cannot legally make an arrest. If there is evidence that suggests an arrest should be made the investigator should contact law enforcement.
  • Wiretapping - Wiretapping is illegal without a proper warrant. Private Investigators cannot tap a phone.
  • Trespassing - Private Investigators cannot break and enter onto private property.

Cheating Spouse Investigation in Germany

Does your spouse often travel to Germany and you have reason to believe that they may be cheating on you? Has your spouse been acting unusual lately and you think they might be doing something unfaithful? International Counterintelligence Services has been performing cheating spouse investigations since 1967 and we have the skills and ability to conduct a cheating spouse investigation in Germany or anywhere else you may need a cheating spouse investigation. To learn more about cheating spouse investigations in Germany contact us and speak with a licensed private investigator over a free consultation.

Background Investigation in Germany

Do you need assistance with a background investigation in Germany? Are you located in Germany but need help with a background investigation somewhere else? Background investigations are very informative and are one of the most valuable resources a private investigator can offer to their clients. Sometimes a background investigation will cover everything you may be looking for about a subject. In other investigations a background check will be used simply to gather enough initial information to continue to perform the rest of the investigation. Regardless of what information you need, ICS has the skills and resources to get it done. International Counterintelligence Services has been helping people just like you perform background investigations all around the world including Germany.

Locate Lost Child in Germany

Do you need help locating a lost child in Germany? Do you suspect your child has runaway but is still somewhere in Germany? ICS has the resources and experience when it comes to locating lost children in Germany. When your child has gone missing stress and mixed emotions begin to take over. Don't let emotions get the best of you when time is of the essence. Let the professional investigators with ICS help you track down your lost child and help bring them home. To learn more about Locating a lost child in Germany contact us and speak with a licensed private investigator over a free consultation.

Private Investigation Cases Map for in Germany

Case Studies

  • Overseas Lost Person

    Private Investigator finds a lost person in an overseas country 01/24/2019

  • Locate Lost Person

    ICS was contacted in an attempt to locate a Subject that had been in a 3-year relationship with the Client. 01/17/2019

  • Child Custody Exchange

    ICS was contacted in an attempt to have an Investigator on site to witness the exchange of a child from father to mother. Due to the legality of the exchange, a verified witness was required by the Client to document a proper exchange to negate... 01/08/2019

  • Case Study: Infidelity investigation in a Resort City Like Dubai

    ICS was contacted by a Client in an attempt to verify if her spouse was engaging in acts of Infidelity while on a stay in a city much like Dubai. Investigators were dispatched. We had boot on the ground in the resort and reserved their stay. In... 10/01/2018

  • Case Study: Due Diligence investigation helps business move forward with new investors.

    The private investigator for ICS helped our client make informed decisions about their potential investigators. With this case study the efforts made by ICS thwarted the clients suspicion and made for better business dealing. 09/20/2018

Paper and Press Releases

  • Join our team of Qualified Parties

    There is simply no agency with an international footprint that takes better care of its private investigator talent. "Our solution is simple, take care of you like our own!" -Michael Rabern 08/29/2018

  • Teen Cyber Bullying

    Cyberbullying has become increasingly common, with the increased use of communication technology, especially among teenagers.

  • Cellphone Spyware

    Cellular Spyware is basically "phone surveillance". It is an app that has usually been installed by a third party on a cell phone that allows them to listen to or record conversations, track location and monitor all the data of the cell phone that... 12/07/2015

  • Workers Compensation Fraud

    Worker's compensation programs are compensation plans for the victims of all job-related injuries.  When an employee gets hurt on the job, the employer is liable for medical expenses, lost income and other expenses until the employee has healed... 12/07/2015

  • ICS Will Not Do Cheating Decoy Investigations

    International Counterintelligence Services (“ICS”), a leader in the private investigations industry takes a strong stand against Cheating Decoy Investigations. 12/07/2015

Private Investigation Cases covered in Germany:
Accident Reconstruction
Activity Checks
Adopted Child Locate Investigation
Adultery or Infidelity Investigations (Marital)
Arson or Fire Loss Investigation
Background Checks (Online Dating)
Background Investigation
Background Investigation (Pre-Marital or Pre-nuptial)
Bankruptcy Due Diligence
Birth Parent Locate Investigation
Blacklisting and Blackballing Investigations
Bomb Threats and Detection
Cheating Decoy Investigations
Child Abuse or Molestation
Child Custody and Visitation Investigations
Child Exploitation and Obscenity (Pornography)
Child Support Enforcement and Collection
Child Support Modification
Cohabitation Investigation
Cold Case Investigations
Competitive Business Intelligence
Computer Forensics Investigation
Corporate Slander Investigation
Counterfeiting Crime
Covert Surveillance (Tailing)
Criminal Background Checks and Search
Criminal Investigation (All Types)
Dependency Investigations
Discrimination Claims Investigations
Divorce Investigation
Document Examination and Assessment
Domestic Investigations (All Types)
Drug Testing
Due Diligence Investigation (General)
Eavesdropping Detection (Bugs and Taps)
Elder Abuse Investigations
Electronic Discovery Services
Email Tracking and SMS Tracing
Embezzlement Investigation
Employee Malingering Investigation
Employee Theft Investigation
Employment Misconduct Investigation
Expert Witness Testimony
Financial Fraud Investigations
Hidden Assets Investigation
Hidden Assets Search (Lost or Forgotten)
Homicide and Murder Investigation
Human Trafficking
Identity Theft
Insurance Fraud Investigations (Active Case)
Intellectual Property and Copyright Infringement
International Rendition
Internet Defamation and Slander Investigations
Juror Vetting (Jury Selection)
Kidnapping and Ransom Situation
Labor Dispute Monitoring
Land Ownership and Title Investigation
Litigation & Legal Support (Active Case)
Locate Lost People
Loss and Theft Investigations
Lost Family Member
Malpractice Investigation
Maritime or Boating Investigations
Medical and Dental Malpractice
Mergers and Acquisitions Investigation
Mind Control or Brainwashing Investigations
Missing Persons
Mobile Phone and PDA Seizures
Money Laundering Investigations
Mystery and Secret Shopper
Narcotics Detection
Online Auction Fraud
Online Defamation Investigation
Online Social Networking Investigation
Organized Crime Control or RICO
Origin and Cause Investigation
Other Private Investigator Case
Paternity Investigations and Testing
Personal Injury
Personal Protection
Polygraph and Lie Detection (General)
Polygraph and Lie Detection for Domestic Purposes
Polygraph and Lie Detection for Employee Purposes
Polygraph and Lie Detection for Pre Employment Screening
Pre-Employment Screening
Probate Investigation
Process Service (Worldwide)
Professional Malpractice Investigations
Public Interest Investigations
Real Estate Fraud Investigations
Religion or Faith Based Investigation
Runaway and Missing Children
Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Securities Investigations
Sects Occult or Cults Investigations
Security Consulting (CPP & PPS Certified)
Sexual Harassment Claims
Slander and Defamation of Character Investigations
Spousal Maintenance or Alimony Modification
Stalking and Harassment Investigations
Sting Operations
Stock Options Fraud
Strike and Labor Unrest
Substance Abuse Investigation
Surface or Forensic Drug Detection
Surveillance (Beacon or GPS tracking)
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures
Tenant Screening
Traffic and Vehicle Accident Reconstruction
Undercover and Covert Investigations
Unfaithful or Cheating Partner (Non-Marital)
Unsolved Crime Investigations
Vendor Screening Investigations
White Collar Crime
Wire and Electronic Communications Crime
Witness Locates and Interviewing
Workers' Compensation Fraud (AOE/COE)
Workplace (ADA, EEOC, or FMLA Sensitive)
Workplace Investigation Interview
Workplace Violence Investigation
Wrongful Death Investigations
Wrongful Imprisonment Investigation

Recent Investigation Inquiries

Origin Investigation Location Case Type
Dallas, Texas Germany Catfish or Catfishing Investigation
Cedar Grove, North Carolina Germany Private
Fort Lauderdale, Florida Germany Inheritance Investigation
San Marcos, Texas Germany Birth Parent Locate Investigation
St. Augustine, Florida Germany Locate Lost People
Atlanta, Georgia Germany Inheritance Investigation
Rolling Hills E, California Germany Background Checks
Omaha, Nebraska Germany Locate Lost People
Anaheim, California Germany Locate Lost People
Nyc, New York Germany Other Private Investigator Case

Services offered in Germany
Audio Enhancement
Canine Training and Sales (K9)
Commercial Driver Pre Screening
Comprehensive Information Resources
Computer Forensic Services
Counter-Surveillance Services
Counterintelligence Services
Criminal Investigation Services
Crisis Intervention Services
DNA Testing
Electronic Discovery Services
Employee Screening Programs
Fingerprint Lifting
Forensic Accounting
Forensic Electronic Discovery
Forensic Lab Testing
Handwriting Analysis
Internet Use Investigation
Investigations to Find People
Missing Persons Investigations
Personal Investigations
Personal Protection
Physical Evidence and Forensics Services
Polygraph or Lie Detection Services
Private Investigations (International)
Private Investigations (United States)
Process Service
Public Records Research
Reputation Defense
Retail Loss and Theft Prevention
Shredded or Destroyed Document Reconstruction
Signal Piracy Auditing
Skip Tracing to Find People
Supplier and Vendor Screening
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures
Tenant Background Services
Undercover Investigations

Clients Serviced in Germany:
Attorneys & Legal Services
Business (100+ Employees)
Business (Small Business)
Education Services Industry
Financial Services Industry
Government (Local/State/Federal)
Hotel, Bar or Restaurant Specific
Human Resource Professionals
Individual Clients (Personal Cases)
Insurance Industry and Adjusters
Law Enforcement Specific
Medical Services or Hospice
Non-Government Organization
Parental or Caretaker
Real Estate Professionals
Security & Private Investigator
Spousal or Matrimonial
Transportation (Trucking and Cargo)

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