ICS World Private Investigator Private Investigator Services Since 1967
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Confidential & Recommended Private Investigator Services Since 1967

Discover more about private investigators capability, employment and regulations in Cartagena.

Discover more about private investigators capability, employment and regulations in Cartagena.

Investigador privado en Colombia.

Un investigador privado en Colombia debe cumplir con todos los requerimientos del Ministerio de Defensa y Justicia paras obtener las apropiadas credenciales de investigación, incluyendo un claro pasado judicial por medio del departamento administrativo de seguridad (DAS). Ademas los investigadores privados deben de haber completado el servicio military, como tambien haber ejercido en cualquiera de las ramas judiciales del estado del gobierno Colombiano. Frecuentemente, experiencia en criminologia u otros estudios en investigación pueden ser válidos para futuros empleadores.

En Colombia, las agencias de investigación privada y los investigadores privados estan regulados por El Ministerio de Defensa y son consideradas agencies en que el publico puede confiar. Agencias sin licencia o sin entrenamiento o personas de mala moral, son una amenaza hacia la seguridad publica y los residents de Colombia. Por esta razon usted tiene la seguridad que un investigador privado de ICS INVESTIGACIONES en Colombia que sea asignado para su caso, ha cumplido y pasado por todas las reglas requeridas por el govierno Colombiano.

Investigación Privada en Colombia.

Colombia es un pais própero con mas de 40 millones de habitants. Colombia tiene varias ciudades importantes como Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Cartagena, Barranquilla, Pereira entre otras, ICS INVESTIGACIONES provee un completo servicio de investigaciones en general en cualquier ciudad del territorio Colombiano, sea su investigacion un caso personal, de fraude, personas desaparecidas, busqueda de todo tipo de objetos robados, casos domesticos, vigilancia e investigacion permanente de alguien y completa investigacion de cualquier persona o compania. ICS tambien cuenta con un especializado laboratorio forence donde se desarrolan todo tipo de investigaciones de informatica y todo tipo de investigaciones que tengan que ver con todo tipo de sistemas, como tambien pruebas de AND (etc).

Investigación personal o a individuos en Colombia.

Nesecita hacerle una investigación personal a alguien en Colombia? Esta usted en Colombia y nesecita hacer una investigación personal a alguien en cualquier lugar del mundo? ICS puede proveerle este servicio y muchos otros. Investigaciones personales o a individuos son las mas populares y una de las herramientas mas eficiente que un investigador privado le puede proveer. Algunas veces una investigación personal o a un individuo es todo lo que el cliente nesecita; otras veces es el primer paso para investigación mas profunda, descubriendo pistas y posibilidades para el investigador y para que el cliente tome una decision. Si usted nesecita una investigación a un individuo or individuos en Colombia u otra parte del mundo, los profesionales de ICS estan listos para trabajar para usted y proveerle con el mejor, discreto y confidencial de los servicios. ICS ha estado ayudando a personas com ousted en Colombia a obtener resultados desde 1,967.

Cartagena Background Check

Private Investigation Cases Map for near Cartagena, Colombia

Case Studies

  • Overseas Lost Person

    Private Investigator finds a lost person in an overseas country 01/24/2019

  • Locate Lost Person

    ICS was contacted in an attempt to locate a Subject that had been in a 3-year relationship with the Client. 01/17/2019

  • Child Custody Exchange

    ICS was contacted in an attempt to have an Investigator on site to witness the exchange of a child from father to mother. Due to the legality of the exchange, a verified witness was required by the Client to document a proper exchange to negate... 01/08/2019

  • Case Study: Infidelity investigation in a Resort City Like Dubai

    ICS was contacted by a Client in an attempt to verify if her spouse was engaging in acts of Infidelity while on a stay in a city much like Dubai. Investigators were dispatched. We had boot on the ground in the resort and reserved their stay. In... 10/01/2018

  • Case Study: Due Diligence investigation helps business move forward with new investors.

    The private investigator for ICS helped our client make informed decisions about their potential investigators. With this case study the efforts made by ICS thwarted the clients suspicion and made for better business dealing. 09/20/2018

Paper and Press Releases

  • Join our team of Qualified Parties

    There is simply no agency with an international footprint that takes better care of its private investigator talent. "Our solution is simple, take care of you like our own!" -Michael Rabern 08/29/2018

  • Teen Cyber Bullying

    Cyberbullying has become increasingly common, with the increased use of communication technology, especially among teenagers.

  • Cellphone Spyware

    Cellular Spyware is basically "phone surveillance". It is an app that has usually been installed by a third party on a cell phone that allows them to listen to or record conversations, track location and monitor all the data of the cell phone that... 12/07/2015

  • Workers Compensation Fraud

    Worker's compensation programs are compensation plans for the victims of all job-related injuries.  When an employee gets hurt on the job, the employer is liable for medical expenses, lost income and other expenses until the employee has healed... 12/07/2015

  • ICS Will Not Do Cheating Decoy Investigations

    International Counterintelligence Services (“ICS”), a leader in the private investigations industry takes a strong stand against Cheating Decoy Investigations. 12/07/2015

Private Investigation Cases covered in Cartagena:
Accident Reconstruction
Activity Checks
Adopted Child Locate Investigation
Adultery or Infidelity Investigations (Marital)
Arson or Fire Loss Investigation
Background Checks (Online Dating)
Background Investigation
Background Investigation (Pre-Marital or Pre-nuptial)
Bankruptcy Due Diligence
Birth Parent Locate Investigation
Blacklisting and Blackballing Investigations
Bomb Threats and Detection
Cheating Decoy Investigations
Child Abuse or Molestation
Child Custody and Visitation Investigations
Child Exploitation and Obscenity (Pornography)
Child Support Enforcement and Collection
Child Support Modification
Cohabitation Investigation
Cold Case Investigations
Competitive Business Intelligence
Computer Forensics Investigation
Corporate Slander Investigation
Counterfeiting Crime
Covert Surveillance (Tailing)
Criminal Background Checks and Search
Criminal Investigation (All Types)
Dependency Investigations
Discrimination Claims Investigations
Divorce Investigation
Document Examination and Assessment
Domestic Investigations (All Types)
Drug Testing
Due Diligence Investigation (General)
Eavesdropping Detection (Bugs and Taps)
Elder Abuse Investigations
Electronic Discovery Services
Email Tracking and SMS Tracing
Embezzlement Investigation
Employee Malingering Investigation
Employee Theft Investigation
Employment Misconduct Investigation
Expert Witness Testimony
Financial Fraud Investigations
Hidden Assets Investigation
Hidden Assets Search (Lost or Forgotten)
Homicide and Murder Investigation
Human Trafficking
Identity Theft
Insurance Fraud Investigations (Active Case)
Intellectual Property and Copyright Infringement
International Rendition
Internet Defamation and Slander Investigations
Juror Vetting (Jury Selection)
Kidnapping and Ransom Situation
Labor Dispute Monitoring
Land Ownership and Title Investigation
Litigation & Legal Support (Active Case)
Locate Lost People
Loss and Theft Investigations
Lost Family Member
Malpractice Investigation
Maritime or Boating Investigations
Medical and Dental Malpractice
Mergers and Acquisitions Investigation
Mind Control or Brainwashing Investigations
Missing Persons
Mobile Phone and PDA Seizures
Money Laundering Investigations
Mystery and Secret Shopper
Narcotics Detection
Online Auction Fraud
Online Defamation Investigation
Online Social Networking Investigation
Organized Crime Control or RICO
Origin and Cause Investigation
Other Private Investigator Case
Paternity Investigations and Testing
Personal Injury
Personal Protection
Polygraph and Lie Detection (General)
Polygraph and Lie Detection for Domestic Purposes
Polygraph and Lie Detection for Employee Purposes
Polygraph and Lie Detection for Pre Employment Screening
Pre-Employment Screening
Probate Investigation
Process Service (Worldwide)
Professional Malpractice Investigations
Public Interest Investigations
Real Estate Fraud Investigations
Religion or Faith Based Investigation
Runaway and Missing Children
Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Securities Investigations
Sects Occult or Cults Investigations
Security Consulting (CPP & PPS Certified)
Sexual Harassment Claims
Slander and Defamation of Character Investigations
Spousal Maintenance or Alimony Modification
Stalking and Harassment Investigations
Sting Operations
Stock Options Fraud
Strike and Labor Unrest
Substance Abuse Investigation
Surface or Forensic Drug Detection
Surveillance (Beacon or GPS tracking)
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures
Tenant Screening
Traffic and Vehicle Accident Reconstruction
Undercover and Covert Investigations
Unfaithful or Cheating Partner (Non-Marital)
Unsolved Crime Investigations
Vendor Screening Investigations
White Collar Crime
Wire and Electronic Communications Crime
Witness Locates and Interviewing
Workers' Compensation Fraud (AOE/COE)
Workplace (ADA, EEOC, or FMLA Sensitive)
Workplace Investigation Interview
Workplace Violence Investigation
Wrongful Death Investigations
Wrongful Imprisonment Investigation

Local Associations and Important Resources for Cartagena

DAS - Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad

Website: https://www.das.gov.co/

Fiscalía General de la Nación - Colombia

Website: https://www.fiscalia.gov.co/

Presidencia de la Republica


Services offered in Cartagena
Audio Enhancement
Canine Training and Sales (K9)
Commercial Driver Pre Screening
Comprehensive Information Resources
Computer Forensic Services
Counter-Surveillance Services
Counterintelligence Services
Criminal Investigation Services
Crisis Intervention Services
DNA Testing
Electronic Discovery Services
Employee Screening Programs
Fingerprint Lifting
Forensic Accounting
Forensic Electronic Discovery
Forensic Lab Testing
Handwriting Analysis
Internet Use Investigation
Investigations to Find People
Missing Persons Investigations
Personal Investigations
Personal Protection
Physical Evidence and Forensics Services
Polygraph or Lie Detection Services
Private Investigations (International)
Private Investigations (United States)
Process Service
Public Records Research
Reputation Defense
Retail Loss and Theft Prevention
Shredded or Destroyed Document Reconstruction
Signal Piracy Auditing
Skip Tracing to Find People
Supplier and Vendor Screening
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures
Tenant Background Services
Undercover Investigations

Clients Serviced in Cartagena:
Attorneys & Legal Services
Business (100+ Employees)
Business (Small Business)
Education Services Industry
Financial Services Industry
Government (Local/State/Federal)
Hotel, Bar or Restaurant Specific
Human Resource Professionals
Individual Clients (Personal Cases)
Insurance Industry and Adjusters
Law Enforcement Specific
Medical Services or Hospice
Non-Government Organization
Parental or Caretaker
Real Estate Professionals
Security & Private Investigator
Spousal or Matrimonial
Transportation (Trucking and Cargo)

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